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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2018 
구분 : 학위논문 
학술지명 : 학위논문(석사)-- 忠南大學校 大學院 : 간호학과 전문간호학 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T14771301 
요양병원 간호사의 치매태도와 중증치매 완화의료에 대한 지식과 태도 

= Geriatric Hospital Nurses' Dementia Attitudes, and Knowledge and Attitudes towards Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia

  • 저자[authors] 김지혜

  • 발행사항 대전 : 忠南大學校 大學院, 2018

  • 형태사항[Description] 56 ; 26 cm

  • 일반주기명[Note] 지도교수: 박명화

  • 학위논문사항[Dissertation] 학위논문(석사)-- 忠南大學校 大學院 : 간호학과 전문간호학 2018. 2

  • 발행국(발행지)[Country] 대전

  • 출판년[Publication Year] 2018

  • 주제어 중증치매 완화의료

  • 소장기관[Holding] 충남대학교 도서관 (225009)

This study is a descriptive correctional study on analyzing the relationship between the attitude of a nurse in geriatric hospitaltowards dementia and a nurse’s knowledge and attitude towards palliative care for advanced dementia. The data were collected in a period from September to October in 2017, and they were gathered from surveys of 200 nurses in a seven hospitals located in D city who had an experience of taking care of dementia patients for at least one year. Among the questionnaires returned, a total of 171 data were used in the current study. In order to measure the attitude towards dementia, the study utilized Dementia Attitudes Scale (DAS) developed by O’Connor and Mcfadden(2010) as it was translated and adapted for use in Korean by Choi et al(2015). In order to measure the knowledge and attitude towards palliative care on advanced dementia, the study used the adapted and back translated version of Questionnaire on Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia (qPAD), developed by Long et al(2012), after the version was reviewed by the experts. The descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients for the data were found using SPSS WIN 22.0. The results were as follows: 1.The mean score of the study subjects’ attitude towards    dementia is 95.90±14.49 out of 140. The mean score on the  Knowledge subscale was 49.03±7.85, and that on the Comfort  subscale was 41.35±8.51. The mean score for the knowledge test for the palliative care on advanced dementia was 10.81±2.57 out of 23. The mean score on the Anticipating Needs subscale was 3.73±1.38, and that on the Preventing Negative Outcomes subscale was 4.80±1.24, and that on the Insight and Intuition subscale was 2.28±1.01. The mean score of the attitude test for the palliative care on advanced dementia was 44.47±5.37 out of 60, and the mean score on the Job Satisfaction subscale was 24.54±3.80, and that on the Perception and Beliefs subscale was 11.63±1.69, and that on the Work Setting Support of Families subscale was 8.29±1.14. 2. When different factors that could influence the attitude towards dementia were analyzed, it was found that the amount of work experience at the Geriatric hospital(F=4.18, p=.007), monthly income (F=2.88, p=.037), completion of a palliative care education program (t=3.09,p=.002),experienceofprovidingpalliativecare(t=4.42, p<.001), completion of an education program for palliative care for dementia patients(t=2.89, p=.004), and recognition of the need for palliative care on advanced dementia patients(F=8.98, p<.001) were all statistically significant factors associated with the attitude towards dementia. For the amount of work experience at the Geriatric hospital, the subject with an experience of 10 to 20 years had a higher attitude score than the subject with less than two years of experience. For the recognition of the need for palliative care for advanced dementia patients, the subject who said, “It is definitely needed”, was found to have a higher attitude score than the subject who said, “It is not needed.”   3. Other factors that could influence the knowledge of palliative care for advanced dementia patients were not found to be statistically significant. 4. For the attitude towards palliative care for advanced dementia patients, it was found that factors such as educational level(F=3.77, p=.025), job position(F=3.52, p=.032), monthly income(F=2.91, p=.036), experience of providing palliative care(F=2.79, p=.006), completion of an education program for palliative care for dementia patients(t=2.34, p=.020), and recognition of the need for palliative care on advanced dementia patients(F=3.08, p=.048) were statically significant. For the education level, the subject with a Master’s degree or higher had a higher attitude score than the subject with a Bachelor’s degree. For the monthly income, the subject with a monthly income of 2,510,000 to 3,000,000 won had a higher attitude score than the subject with a monthly income of 1,510,000 to 2,000,000 won. 5. After analyzing the correlation between the study subjects’ attitudes towards dementia and their knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care for advanced dementia patients, it was found that the correlation between attitude towards dementia and that towards palliative care for advanced dementia patients is statistically significant(r=.593, p<.001). In other words, it was found that the higher the attitude towards dementia, the higher the attitude towards palliative care for advanced dementia patients. The study found that a nurse with a master’s degree or higher had a higher attitude score towards dementia than those without it, and it was also found that the higher a nurse scores on attitude, the better a nurse’s attitude towards palliative care for dementia patients. As a result, the study recommends the development of an educational program that will improve the attitude towards dementia, and increase knowledge and encourage developing a positive attitude towards palliative care for advanced dementia patients. Key words: Advanced dementia, Palliative care. Dementia attitude,  Knowledge, Attitude
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