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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2017 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 한국아메리카학회 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105051867 
인종과 유전: 게놈 시대에 은폐된 인종의 자리 

= Race and Genetics: The Concealed Location of Race in a Genomic Age

  • 저자[authors] 김준년 ( Junyon Kim )
  • 학술지명[periodical name] 美國學論集
  • 권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.49No.3[2017]
  • 발행처[publisher] 한국아메리카학회
  • 자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널
  • 수록면[Pagination] 95-126
  • 언어[language] Korean
  • 발행년[Publication Year] 2017
  • 주제어[descriptor] 인종, 유전학, 게놈, 바이딜, 생명관리정치, race, genetics, genome, BiDil, bio-politics

[This essay concerns itself with the insidious return of race in the post-racial era of America. Perhaps most insidious is the way in which the vestigial remains of race come back in the field of health and medicine after the Human Genome Project is completed. Ironically, by redefining race as a biological category written in the genome, biotechnologies have undermined not only the scientific manifesto that human beings are 99.9 percent the same but also a hopeful anticipation that race may not be identified in our genes. Given such circumstances, I attempt to investigate how race is reappropriated in genetics, pharmacogenomics, and DNA-related biotechnology. For this purpose, I look carefully into the birth of BiDil which was approved as the first “race-specific” drug by the FDA in 2005. Conceding that BiDil was legally and commercially constructed as a “race-specific” drug, I come up with the three reasons of why BiDil did not end up in a total fiasco. Then drawing on Michel Foucault’s conceptualization of noso-politics and bio-politics, I elaborate on the discourse of race and public health, which should be reconfigurated in the context of biocitizenship.]

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