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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2009 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 생명윤리정책연구 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A60163020 
중학교 과학교과에서의 과학기술 윤리교육 현황 

= Survey and Analysis on Ethics Education in Science and Technology of Science Textbook, Science Teacher and Middle School Students

  • 저자[authors] 이향연,박선자,유정숙,이신영,장지영
  • 학술지명[periodical name] 생명윤리정책연구
  • 권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.3No.2[2009]
  • 발행처[publisher] 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소
  • 자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널
  • 수록면[Pagination] 233-257
  • 언어[language] Korean
  • 발행년[Publication Year] 2009
  • KDC[Korean Decimal Classification] 510
  • 주제어[descriptor] 과학윤리교육,중학생,과학교사,과학교과서,과학기술 윤리,science ethics education,middle school student,science teacher,science textbook,ethics of science and technology

[The purpose of this survey is to examine the present status of ethics education in middle school science curriculum. This study, therefore, attempted to investigate 1) student’s and teacher’s perceptions of science and technology ethics, 2) teacher’s perceptions of ethics education in science and technology and 3) contents of science and technology ethics in 7th and 8th grade science textbooks. 296 middle school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and 12 science teachers are participated in this survey study.  The survey questionnaire for students consisted of 20 items over three sub-categories: the nature of science, the ethical issues in science and technology and experience on ethical problems in the classroom. The questionnaire for teachers also consisted of three sub-categories: perception in science and technology ethics, perception in middle school ethics education of science and technology, and opinions of that. In the result, it was found that 28.3% of students learned about ethical issues in science and technology from the school, 69.4% of students had experiences on internet-copied homework and 26.4% of them had falsified experimental data. STS topics were contained in 7 of 12 units of a 7th grade science textbook but they were not relate to ethical issues. Neither ethical issue nor STS topic was not found in 8th grade science textbook. All participated science teachers were positively perceived the necessity of science and technology ethics education for middle school students but they reported some barriers such as lack of learning materials and information and their less understanding of science and technology ethics. Some of them suggested the necessity of in-service teacher training for ethics education in science and technology.]

목차[Table of content] 
I. 서론   II. 과학기술 윤리교육의 현황    1. 국외    2. 국내    3. 과학기술 윤리교육의 연구 동향   III . 연구방법 및 절차    1. 연구대상    2. 연구절차    3. 연구의 제한점   IV . 연구결과 및 분석    1. 중학생의 과학기술 윤리 인식    2. 중학교 과학 교과서에 제시된 과학기술 윤리의 주제와 내용    3. 과학교사의 과학기술 윤리 및 교육에 대한 인식   V. 결론 및 제언   Abstract

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