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관련 기관 소식 기관 행사 홍보는 홍보문고와 이미지를 메일로 보내주시면 됩니다. : nibp@nibp.kr
날짜 : 2015-03-15 
관련 링크 : http://globalbioethics.org/2015/01/gbi-b...manhattan/ 
기관 / 기타정보 : Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI) / 생명윤리 교육 


GBI Bioethics International Summer School 2015, Manhattan

Posted on 21 January 2015

Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI) invites students and professionals worldwide to attend its first International Bioethics Summer School in NYC (June 15-July 18, 2015) organized in collaboration with the Bohemian Literary and Benevolent Association. Join us in NYC for this 5-week one-of-a-kind educational opportunity. Please do share this link with your colleagues and friends who might be interested in attending our school in NYC.

For more details, please check out our program’s website. http://summerschool.globalbioethics.org/

invites students and professionals worldwide

to attend


International Bioethics Summer School

in NYC

June 15 – July 18, 2015



DEADLINE:  March 15, 2015


Contact Ana Lita | Phone: 212 687 3324 | Fax: 212 661 4188

Email: applicants@globalbioethics.org

- 생명윤리 교육

- 6월 15일~ 7월 18일

- 신청 3월15일까지

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