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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2007 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 대한의학유전학회지 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A82587177 

유전상담의 제도적인 고찰
= Genetic counseling in Korean health care system

제어번호 82587177
저자명 김현주(Hyon J. Kim) 
학술지명 대한의학유전학회지
권호사항 Vol.4 No.1 [2007] 
발행처 대한의학유전학회 
자료유형 학술저널
수록면 1-5(5쪽)
발행년도 2007년
KDC 517
등재정보 KCI등재
판매처 교보문고

Unprecedented amount of genetic information being generated from the result of Human Genome Project (HGP) and advances in genetic research is already forcing changes in the paradigm of health and disease. The ultimate goal of genetic medicine is to use genetic information and technology to develop new ways of treatment or even prevention of the disease on an individual level for 'personalized medicine'. Genetics is playing an increasingly important role in the diagnosis, monitoring and management of common multifactorial diseases in addition to rare single-gene disorders. While wide range of genetic testing have provided benefits to patients and family, uncertainties surrounding test interpretation, the current lack of available medical options for the diseases, and risks for discrimination and social stigmatization may remain to be resolved. However an increasing number of genetic tests are becoming commercially available, including direct to consumer genetic testing, yet public is often unaware of their clinical and social implications. The personal nature of information generated by a genetic test, its power to affect major life decisions and family members, and its potential misuse raise important ethical considerations. Therefore appropriate genetic counseling is needed for patient to be informed with the benefits, limitations and risks of genetic tests, prior to informed consent for the tests. Physician also should be familiar with the legal and ethical issues involved in genetic testing to tell patients how well a particular genetic risk factor relates with likelihood of disease, and be able to provide appropriate genetic counseling. Genetic counseling become a mandatory requirement as global standard for many genetic testing such as prenatal diagnosis, presymtomatic DNA diagnostic tests and cancer susceptibility gene test for familial cancer syndrome. In oder to meet the challenge of genetic medicine of 21 century in korean health care system, professional education program and certification board for medical genetics specialist including non-MD genetic counselors should be addressed by medical society and regulatory policy of national health insurance reimbursement for genetic counseling to be in place to promote the implementation of clinical genetic service including genetic counseling for proper genetic testing.



Genetic counseling  ,Clinical genetics service  ,Genetic testing  ,Non-MD genetic counselor  ,Korean health care system 

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