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Understanding 'Anticipatory Governance'

1 윤리학 조회 수 223 추천 수 0 2016.03.24 11:37:38
발행년 : 2014 
구분 : 국외학술지 
학술지명 : Social Studies of Science 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=O62689774 

[자료 문의 : lib@nibp.kr /  http://riss.kr 에서 직접 원문 복사 신청 가능, 관련링크 참고]

Understanding ' Anticipatory Governance'

제어번호   62689774

저자명   Guston, D.H. 

학술지명   Social studies of science

권호사항   Vol.44 No.2 [2014] 


자료유형   학술저널

수록면   218-242    [※수록면이 p5 이하이면, Review, Columns, Editor's Note, Abstract 등일 경우가 있습니다.]

ISSN   0306-3127

언어   eng

발행년도   2014년




Anticipatory governance is ‘a broad-based capacity extended through society that can act on a variety of inputs to manage emerging knowledge-based technologies while such management is still possible’. It motivates activities designed to build capacities in foresight, engagement, and integration – as well as through their production ensemble. These capacities encourage and support the reflection of scientists, engineers, policy makers, and other publics on their roles in new technologies. This article reviews the early history of the National Nanotechnology Initiative in the United States, and it further explicates anticipatory governance through exploring the genealogy of the term and addressing a set of critiques found in the literature. These critiques involve skepticism of three proximities of anticipatory governance: to its object, nanotechnology, which is a relatively indistinct one; to the public, which remains almost utterly naïve toward nanotechnology; and to technoscience itself, which allegedly renders anticipatory governance complicit in its hubris. The article concludes that the changing venues and the amplification within them of the still, small voices of folks previously excluded from offering constructive visions of futures afforded by anticipatory governance may not be complete solutions to our woes in governing technology, but they certainly can contribute to bending the long arc of technoscience more toward humane ends.

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