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글 수 869
발행년 : 2017 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 한국모자보건학회지 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A103299550 

태아치료를 위한 줄기세포의 활용전망

= Use of Stem Cell in Fetal Therapy : Current Status and Future Perspectives

  • 저자[authors] : 이시원(Si Won Lee)
  • 학술지명[periodical name] : 한국모자보건학회지
  • 권호사항[Volume/Issue] : Vol.21No.2[2017]
  • 발행처[publisher] : 한국모자보건학회
  • 자료유형[Document Type] : 학술저널
  • 수록면[Pagination] : 92-99
  • 언어[language] : Korean
  • 발행년[Publication Year] : 2017
  • 주제어[descriptor] : amniotic fluid stem cell,fetal therapy,congenital anomalies


[During the past decades, there has been a great evolution in the field of fetal therapy for congenital defects. Prenatal screening or diagnostic methods including non-invasive and invasive methods and fetal ultrasound have led to earlier and more accurate diagnosis of congenital anomalies. Recent advances in several therapeutic techniques including ultrasound-guided needle therapy, laser therapy or fetal endoscopy, have allowed some fetuses at risk with anatomical defects , to be corrected in utero but still, its clinical indications remain limited. Over the last 30 years, many researchers found usefulness of pluripotent stem cells from amniotic fluid and placenta because they are sources of diverse progenitor cell populations called mesenchymal stem cells. In some human conditions like severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome and chronic granulomatous disease, fetal therapy using stem cell replacement showed some promising results in researches but more studies are required to apply in clinical settings. The aim of this article is to summarize a current status and future perspective of stem cell therapy for treatment of congenital fetal anomalies.]

목차[Table of content]

서론  본론  줄기세포를 이용한 치료방법  태아치료의 현재  양수내 줄기세포를 이용한 자궁내 태아치료  양수내 줄기세포의 성장 및 특징  실험적인 근거  실험에서 임상적인 적용으로의 변형  윤리적인 측면  임상적인 적용  결론 및 미래의 전망  참고문헌 

List of Articles
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