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글 수 53
발행년 : 2018 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 日本文化學報 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105922395 

영화를 통해 본 현대 일본 여성의 비혼화(非婚化) 현상

= 映画の通じてみた現代の日本女性の非婚化現像 -『結婚しなくていいですか』を中心に

  • 저자[authors] 이윤주(李允柱)

  • 학술지명[periodical name] 日本文化學報

  • 권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.79No.-[2018]

  • 발행처[publisher] 한국일본문화학회

  • 자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널

  • 수록면[Pagination] 33-52

  • 언어[language] Korean

  • 발행년[Publication Year] 2018

  • 주제어[descriptor] 結婚(Marriage),非婚(Non-marriage),生涯未婚率(Ratio of lifetime no marriage),女性(Women),家族(Family),介護(Care),出産(Birth),映?(Film)

다국어 초록[Multilingual Abstract] 

This study examines situations and social factors regarding non-married women from the analysis of a Japanese movie. Based on a woman’s comic book, the movie Sue, Mai & Sawa: Righting the Girl Ship sends a strong message, drawing on a complex issue of present-day Japanese society, especially in the lives and relationships of the petit bourgeoisie.    The declining populations and the increase of one-person households in modern Japan clearly show that an age of non-marriage has arrived with the a perception that marriage is a burden and a risk. Moreover, Japan’s conservative family values, which only acknowledges births stemming from legal marital relationships serves as impulses that triggers population decline.    Unstable employment, the conservative tendency of family structure, and the dilemma between work and home, which have long been a part of Japanese society, consist of the a mechanism that increases the populations including “the ratio of a lifetime without marriage.” The movie addresses the structural problems of Japanese society. It mentions the problem of family care and highlights the manner in which non-married persons become responsible for elderly care. In addition, it calls into question the non-maritalization of women as a fundamental reason for the low birth rate, when considering the causes of this problems. The film conveys the message that a time has come when a new paradigm should be constructed concerning family structure, indirectly mentioning the current structural vicious circle.

목차[Table of content] 

1. 들어가며  2. 자발적 · 비자발적 비혼 시대  3. 영화를 통해 본 여성을 비혼으로 유인하는 사회문화적 요인  4. 마치며  참고문헌  要旨  

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