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글 수 144
발행년 : 2018 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 語學硏究 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105984622 

 낙태에 관한 인터넷 포럼에서의 플레이밍 현상

= Flaming in Internet Forums on Abortion : A Contrastive Pragmatic Analysis

  • 저자[authors] 이성범(Sungbom Lee)

  • 학술지명[periodical name] 語學硏究

  • 권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.54No.3[2018]

  • 발행처[publisher] 서울대학교 언어교육원

  • 자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널

  • 수록면[Pagination] 399-422

  • 언어[language] Korean

  • 발행년[Publication Year] 2018

  • 주제어[descriptor] flaming,online forum,aggressive utterance,impoliteness strategy,contrastive pragmatics


[Flaming refers to an online vitriolic verbal brawl where participants are not respectful of each other and cannot control their tempers. They often trade insults and call each other names. Recent developments of the Internet and SNS have commonly created an epidemic of this phenomenon almost all around the world, including Korea and America. However, the strategies that people use to degrade each other vehemently when their opinions clash can vary from language to language. The present study is an attempt to discover and compare the characteristics and structure of flaming in Korean and in English in Internet forums about abortion - one of the hottest issues that frequently draw virulent and violent expressions, especially in computer-mediated communication. The commonalities and differences are investigated from the perspectives of Culpeper’s theory of impoliteness. To this end, a total of 200 threads posted in four different Korean and English YouTube forums on abortion were collected and analyzed in terms of impoliteness strategies. The distribution and frequency of impoliteness types and strategies employed as well as the structure of flaming in each language are discussed from the perspective of contrastive pragmatics.]

목차[Table of content]

ABSTRACT  1. 들어가기  2. 연구 방법  3. 플레이밍과 무례  4. 결과와 해석  5. 맺기  References 

List of Articles
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