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글 수 326
발행년 : 1997 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : Obstetrics & Gynecology Science 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A3360392 
절박유산과 정상임부 및 시험관아기시술 환자에서 초기임신인자의 임상적 유용성
= Clinical Usefulness of Early Pregnancy Factor in Women with Threatened Abortion , Normal Pregnant Women and in Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer Patients


  • 저자명

    이진용, 문신용, 김정구, 배광범                        

  • 학술지명

    Obstetrics & Gynecology Science               

  • 권호사항

    Vol.40 No.6 [1997]                                                         

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  • 초록 (Abstract)
    • Early pregnancy factor(EPF) is believed to be a pregnancy-associated immunosuppressive polypeptide which might inhibit the function of maternal lymphocyte during pregnancy. The physiological role of EPF in human pregnancy has remained controversal. Th...
  • Early pregnancy factor(EPF) is believed to be a pregnancy-associated immunosuppressive polypeptide which might inhibit the function of maternal lymphocyte during pregnancy. The physiological role of EPF in human pregnancy has remained controversal. The purposes of this study are to investigate whether EPF determinations have prognostic value in women with threatened abortion, and to evaluate usefulness in diagnosing early pregnancy and in predicting the outcome of embryo transferred in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer(IVF-ET) program. EPF activity was measured by a recently developed, micro rosette inhibition test in sera from 76 normal pregnant women, 25 normal healthy women with tubal ligation, 58 women with therapeutic surgical abortion(n=18) or threatened abortion(n=40) and 29 IVF-ET patients. Rosette inhibition titer≥3 was defined as an index for the presence of EPF activity. EPF activity was undetectable in sera of normal healthy women with tubal ligation and in sera taken before ET. In normal pregnancy EPF was detected in 88~92% of sera during the first and second trimester and almost disappeared in the third trimester. Surgical therapeutic abortion in the first trimester lead to disappearance of EPF activity in 92.3% of cases second day after procedure. The sensitivity of the EPF assay in predicting the outcome in pregnant women with threatened abortion was 88.0% and the specificity was found to be 86.7%. In patients who became pregnant after IVF-ET procedure EPF activity was detected in 85.7% of sera on the 5th day and in all sera on the 12th day. In 80.0%(9/13) sera of patients who failed to become pregnant after ET, EPT activity was detected on the 5th day but 17(94.4%) of 18 sera was proved to be negative for EPF activity on the 12th day. These data suggest that EPF assay by micro rosette inhibition test may be useful in monitoring the embryo after ET, in dignosing early pregnancy and in predicting the outcome in women with threatened abortion.
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