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글 수 315
발행년 : 2016 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 대한침구의학회지 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A102060536 

암 환자의 임상시험 참여 의향과 연관된 요인: 탐색형 서술적 문헌고찰 = Factors associated with willingness to participate in clinical trials for cancer patients: an exploratory narrative review

저자김건형 ( Kun Hyung Kim ), 황보연 ( Bo Yown Hwang ), 손경모 ( Gyung Mo Son )
학술지명대한침구의학회지(Journal of Korean acupuncture & moxibustion medicine society )


주제어Willingness to participate; Cancer; Clinical trial; Literature review
초록Objectives : This study aimed to investigate both cancer patients’ willingness to participate (WTP) in clinical trials and its associated factors. Methods : We searched MEDLINE (PubMed) for studies that had investigated cancer patients’ WTP in clinical trials. Search terms included ‘willingness to participate’, ‘cancer’ and ‘trial’. Studies published within the last five years up to July 26, 2016 were potentially eligible. Results : Of 44 initial hits, 14 studies (12 quantitative and 2 qualitative) were included. Two out of the 14 studies investigated WTP in an acupuncture trial. Study designs, such as WTP measurement methods, investigation settings, and type of cancer, varied. The proportion of participants with a WTP was widely distributed between the studies (median 48.6 %, range 11.1 % to 88.3 %). Factors associated with WTP included various socio-demographic factors, clinical factors, participants’ knowledge/attitudes toward clinical trials, travel distance, information from physicians, and trust toward physicians. Conclusion : WTP and its associated factors were variable across the reviewed studies, which might be due to different research methods and contexts. Whether or not common factors associated with cancer patients’ WTP in clinical trials exist remains unclear and thus warrants further research.
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