
The Human Genetics Commission


등록일  2012.10.16

조회수  1031

정보 안내 표
발행년 2000
키워드 Human Genetics


The Human Genetics Commission


The UK Regulatory and Advisory Framework for  Human Genetics March




N1488_The Human Genetics Commission영국관리기구.pdf




Introduction ...3
1. Human genetics bodies (non-statutory advisory) ...3
· Former Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing ...3
· Gene Therapy Advisory Committee ...3
· Genetics and Insurance Committee ...4
· Former Advisory Group on Scientific Advances in Genetics ...5
· Former Human Genetics Advisory Commission ...6
2. Principal health-related bodies in the advisory and regulatory framework 8
2.1 Statutory bodies ...8
· Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ...8
· Committee on the Safety of Medicines ...8
2.2 Interim non-statutory body ...9
· UK Xenotransplantation Interim Regulatory Authority ...9
2.3 Non-statutory advisory bodies ...9
· National Screening Committee ..9
· Managing Clinical Interventions Group ...9
· Foresight ...10
2.4 Special Health Authority ...11
· National Institute for Clinical Excellence ...11
2.5 Agencies ...12
· Medicines Control Agency ...12
· Medical Devices Agency ...13
2.6 Non-Governmental ...14
· Medical Research Council ...14
· Nuffield Council on Bioethics ...15
· Wellcome Trust ...16
3. Broader context ...18
· Food Standards Agency ...18
· Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission ...18
· Overview of regulation of biotechnology and human health ...19
· Inter-governmental initiatives regarding ethical implications of developments
in human genetics ...20
· Devolution ...21
Annex A: Map of the UK Regulatory and Advisory Framework
for Human Genetics ...23

PDF N1488_The Human Genetics Commission영국관리기구.pdf (150.5KB / 다운로드  0)