
Commission Staff Working Paper report on Human Embryonic stem cell Research


등록일  2012.10.29

조회수  1209

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 Commission of the European Communities
발행년 2003
키워드 stem cell, embryonic, research, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Microbiology
관련링크 https://repository.library.georgetown.ed...?show=full


 Commission Staff Working Paper report on Human Embryonic stem cell Research





Brussels, 3.4.2003 / SEC(2003) 441







 N1532_Commission Staff Working_줄기세포연구에관한집행위원회보고2003년3월.pdf



Executive summary…………………………………………………………………...4
1. Chapter 1: Origin and characteristics of human stem cells and potential application
for stem cell research.............................................................................................. 17
1.1. Origin and characteristics of human stem cells ....................................................... 17
1.2. Plasticity of human somatic stem cells.................................................................... 19
1.3. Potential application of human stem cell research................................................... 20
1.4. Novel stem cell based therapies .............................................................................. 22
1.5. Scientific and technical obstacles to overcome before realising the potential clinical
uses of novel human stem cell based therapy.......................................................... 22
1.6. Examples of novel stem cell based therapies, which are currently subject to extensive
research.................................................................................................................. 23
2. Chapter 2: Human embryonic stem cell research .................................................... 26
2.1. Origin and characteristics of human embryonic stem cells ...................................... 26
2.2. Possible sources for human embryonic stem cells ................................................... 26
2.3. Growing human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory.......................................... 27
2.4. The current advantages and limitations of human embryonic stem cells and human
somatic stem cells................................................................................................... 28
2.5. Examining the need for new human embryonic stem cell lines. .............................. 30
2.6. Developments regarding establishment of human stem cell banks and registries..... 31
3. Chapter 3: Governance of human embryonic stem cell research.............................. 34
3.1. The ethical issues at stake....................................................................................... 34
3.2. Regulations in EU Member States regarding human embryonic stem cell research. 38
3.3. New regulations under discussion in EU Member States ........................................ 44
3.4. Regulations in some non-EU countries regarding human embryonic stem cell
research.................................................................................................................. 46
3.5. Governance of stem cell research in the context of FP6 .......................................... 48
3.6. Social scrutiny and dialogue ................................................................................... 51
4. Chapter 4: Socio-economic aspects ........................................................................ 53
GLOSSARY....................................................................................................................... 56
ANNEX A: Biology of human development ........................................................................ 60
ANNEX B: Possibilities to overcome immune rejection responses in stem cell therapy........ 62
ANNEX C: Examples of available human embryonic stem cell lines ................................... 64
ANNEX D: Details regarding provisions in non-EU countries relating to human embryonic
stem cell research ................................................................................................... 66
ANNEX E: Opinion No.15 of the European Group on Ethics regarding ethical aspects of
human stem cell research and use E - Opinion EGE ............................................... 70
ANNEX F: Statement for the minutes of the Council meeting 30 September 2002............... 84