
NIH Blue Ribbon Panel on Conflict of Interest Policies


등록일  2012.10.29

조회수  1170

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 National Institutes of Health
발행년 2004
키워드 Conflict of Interest, 이해상충
관련링크 http://www.nih.gov/about/ethics_COI_panelreport.pdf


Report of the National Institutes of Health
Blue Ribbon Panel on Conflict of Interest Policies

A Working Group of the Advisory Committee to the Director
National Institutes of Health







Executive Summary …1

Section I. Introduction …7

Section II. Background…15

Section III. Disclosure of Financial Information and Outside Activities …25

Section IV. Outside Activities …35

Section V. Recommendations…55

Appendix Material

A. Panel Roster ...69

B. Panel Biographies ...70

C. Meetings and Speakers ...76

D. Questions to National Institutes of Health Staff About Outside …78

Activities and Conflict of Interest

E. OGE form 450 …79

F. SF 278 form …87

PDF N1533_ethics_COI_panelreport.pdf (688.2KB / 다운로드  0)