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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2006 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 불교학연구 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A103303662 
성숙한 죽음문화의 모색 : 소극적 안락사의 3가지 대안 

= Suggestions for Mature Death-Culture - Three Alternatives of Passive-Euthanasia

저자[authors] 오진탁
학술지명[periodical name] 불교학연구
권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.15No.-[2006]
발행처[publisher] 불교학연구회
자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널
수록면[Pagination] 29-54
언어[language] Korean
발행년[Publication Year] 2006
KDC[Korean Decimal Classification] 220
주제어[descriptor] 소극적 안락사(Passive-euthanasia),자살(Suicide),죽음문화(Death-culture),임사체험(Near-death-experience),죽음준비교육(Death-education),호스피스(Hospice),생전유언(Living-will),생사학(Thanatology),존엄사(Death-with-dignity),뇌사(Brain-death),심폐사(Heart-death),죽음정의(Definition of death)

[Understanding death in the right way is very important. Depending on how well one understands death and in what way one defines death, the discussion on death can lead to denying it or tabooing the issue altogether. Nowadays, the definition of death relies on clinical determination of men's medical condition in such terms as brain death or heart death. Death should not be defined entirely in terms of the collapsing of the body. The founder of Thanatology (the study of death and dying), Qubler-Ross, states that the human has a soul and that defining death means going beyond the realm of the physical and the material to the realm of the soul, the mind, and life itself. In this context, death doesn't exist for two reasons. First, such medical pronouncement as brain death or heart death has functioned so far as the definition of death, thus, there has only been the discourse on the criteria for medical decisions, but not on death itself. Secondly, the death as we know only marks the physical death since the soul begins its journey, separating from the body. In a society where there is only the discourse on the medical criteria for physical death, but not the significance of death itself, people tend to think of physical death as the end of it all. As a result, one witnesses the increase of suicides and increasing number of unhappy death. Therefore for the  formation of death-culture I offer three suggestions. First Death-Education, second Living Will or Advance-Directive, third Hospice.]

목차[Table of content] 
Ⅰ. 죽음문화가 없다 Ⅱ. 새로운 죽음문화 형성을 위한 모색  Ⅲ. 첫 번째 제안 : 죽음준비교육 Ⅳ. 두 번째 제안 : 존엄한 죽음 1. Living Will, 존엄한 죽음을 위한 선언  2. 소극적 안락사와 존엄사의 차이 Ⅴ. 세 번째 대안 : 호스피스의 활성화  Ⅵ. 맺는말

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