한국 직장기혼여성의 출산의도 영향요인 연구 : 노동 및 젠더 요인을 중심으로
= A Study on the Effect of the Childbirth Intention of Korean Married Women at Work-Focusing on labor and gender factors-
- 저자[authors] 박소영
- 발행사항 서울 : 고려대학교 대학원, 2019
- 형태사항[Description] vi. 188 p ; 26 cm
- 일반주기명[Note] 지도교수: 황명진
- 학위논문사항[Dissertation] 학위논문(박사)-- 고려대학교 대학원 : 사회복지학과 사회복지정책 2019. 2
- 발행국(발행지)[Country] 서울
- 출판년[Publication Year] 2019
- 주제어 출산,출산의도,여성경제활동참가율,합계출산율,노동요인,젠더요인
- 소장기관[Holding] 고려대학교 도서관 (211009)
- UCI식별코드 I804:11009-000000082748
다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
Debating married women's participation in the labor market and
giving birth has become a crucial social issue in Korean society.
However, since most of the existing studies have focused on
researchers' personal interests and data, there were limitations in
generalizing their findings. With the increasing of working and
procreation issues for married women, this study analyzed the
childbirth intention using the National Statistical Office(NSO)'s annual
Census Big Data on Population and Housing. This study analyzed the
impact of working-participation types on childbirth intention of married
working women using the census big data by year by the NSO. In
order to look at the relationship with childbirth intention, this study
examined the labor force participation patterns of married women,
divided into labor factors and genders. The results of this study are
summarized as follows:
First, while the effect of labor force participation on childbirth
intention among married women was not significant in 2005 and 2010,
it was found to be very significant only in 2015. The childbirth
intention for married women who do not participate in the labor force
activities was 10.226 while those of who participate in the labor force
was 7.389. This means that married women who participate in the
labor force have a lower childbirth intention of 0.278 times than those
of who do not participate in the labor force. On the other hand, work
status among labor factors does not significantly affect the childbirth
intention of married women.
Second, it was found that gender role and abortion experience
among genders of married women have a significant effect on
childbirth intention. While the effect of gender role on childbirth
intention was not significant in 2005 and 2010, it was found to be
very significant only in 2015. It has been shown that childbirth
intention is 0.2 times higher if the married women do not follow the
traditional gender role. Also, it was found that the experience of
abortion has a very significant effect on childbirth intention. In the
case of women who have the experience of abortion, the childbirth
intention increases by 2.4 times for a 1-unit increase.
Third, based on the effects of the socio-demographic characteristics
of working married women on childbirth intention, age, age at first
marriage, education level, religion, the number of children, the
experience of career discontinuity, and work period were very
significant. ① The lower the age, the higher the number of births; the
higher the age, the higher the negative impact on the childbirth
intention. ② The higher the age of the first marriage, the higher the
childbirth intention: The childbirth intention increased by 0.108 times
per 1-unit increase in the first marriage age; The odds ratio for
childbirth intention increased by 1.186 times per 1-unit increase in the
first marriage age. ③ The effect of education level on childbirth
intention was very significant in 2005, while, not significant in 2010
and 2015. ④ The effect of religion on childbirth intention was very
significant in 2005 and 2015 (Because religion was not investigated in
2010 census, 2010 data was excluded): In the case of married women
having religion, the odds ratio increased by 0.613 times in 2005 and
0.766 times in 2015 separately. ⑤ The effect of the number of children
on childbirth intention was significant in 2005, 2010 and 2015: The
number of male births odds ratio: 0.839) has a negative impact on
childbirth intention by 0.046 times compared to the number of female
births odds ratio: 0.793). ⑥ The effect of the experience of career
discontinuity on childbirth intention was very significant in 2015
(Because the experience of career discontinuity was not investigated in
2005 and 2010 census, those data was excluded). ⑦ The effect of
work period on childbirth intention was very significant: The childbirth
intention of married women who have work period 10 or more, but
less than 15 was the most positive followed by that of 5 or more, but
less than 10. This result indicates that the longer work period that
makes stable status and type of employment is positive factors for
childbirth intention.
⑧ However, it was found that the type of housing occupied and
whether they own housing in other regions did not significantly affect
the childbirth intention.
Based on the findings of this study, policy propositions can be
suggested as follows:
First, it is necessary to review the labor flexibility policies to
enhance the labor participation of married working women.
Second, the benefits of the government's childbirth policy need to be
reformed considering the gender role change of married women.
Third, it is necessary to improve the public understanding of the
abortion of women who are married at work.
Fourth, a continuous support system for reemployment of married
women should be established to resolve career discontinuities.
Fifth, as the higher the age of first marriage, the higher the will to
give birth of married women at work, it is needed to improve the
public understanding of the marriage and childbirth.
In addition, marriage and childbirth can assign not only many
meanings to women’s lives but also be essential to complete life. In
this sense, practical propositions can be suggested as follows:
First, for labor participation of married women, employment support
institutions such as the vocational technology training school and the
Center for Married Women Vocational Education and Training should
prepare a capacity-enhancing education program considering career
breakout period of them.
Second, it is necessary to expand the operation of the institution to
provide various information.
Third, support for self-assembly activities of women with negative
experience about the birth is needed.
Fourth, expand flexible part-time job programs for women is
Fifth, future studies need to deal with more valuables of working
types of married women to examine the effect the working types on
childbirth intention.
국문 초록 (Abstract)
기혼여성들의 노동시장 참여와 출산에 대한 논의는 우리 사회에서 매우 중요한 사회적 쟁점이 되고 있다. 본 연구는 한국 기혼여성들의 출산의도에 미치는 영향요인을 분석하기 위해 통계청 인구주택총조사 자료를 활용하였으며, 출산의도에 미치는 요인을 노동요인과 젠더요인을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
첫째, 한국 직장기혼여성의 노동요인 중 경제활동상태와 종사상지위가 안정적일수록 출산의도에 매우 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
즉, 경제활동상태가 증가할수록 출산의도 없음에 더 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었으며, 종사상지위가 안정적일수록 출산의도가 있음에 더 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
둘째, 한국 직장기혼여성의 젠더요인인 초혼연령과 임신중절경험 유무는 출산의도에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 초혼연령이 증가할수록 출산의도 없음에 유의미한 영향을 미치며, 임신중절경험도 출산의도 없음에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
셋째, 기혼여성들의 인구사회학적 특성과 출산의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과 연령, 교육수준, 종교, 출산 자녀 수, 경력단절 경험, 근무연수는 출산의도에 매우 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 기혼여성의 주택 점유형태와 타 지역 주택소유 여부는 출산 의도에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 제언을 제시하면 다음과 같다.
첫째, 노동요인 강화를 통해 기혼여성의 노동유연화 정책에 대한 재검토가 필요하다.
둘째, 초혼연령에 따른 정부의 출산 지원정책의 변화가 요구된다.
셋째, 임신중절에 대한 사회의 부정적 인식에 대한 개선이 필요하다.
넷째, 노동시장 경력단절 여성의 문제를 해결하기 위한 재취업의 사회적 지원제도가 마련되어야 한다. 결혼과 출산에 대한 가치관의 변화, 노동시장 여건의 변화, 여성의 교육수준 향상 등은 다양한 욕구를 주장하게 되며, 재취업을 위한 다양한 프로그램의 지원이 요구된다.
이상의 연구결과에서 보듯이 한국 직장기혼여성의 출산의도에 미치는 영향요인을 노동요인과 젠더요인을 중심으로 살펴보았으며, 노동요인과 젠더요인은 출산의도에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 출산의도의 요인을 노동요인과 젠더요인으로 제한하여 살펴보았기에 향후 연구에서는 더 다양한 요인으로 살펴본다면 연구의 한계를 극복할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.