
The Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Aspects of Xenotransplantation: Animal-to-Human Transplantation: A DISCUSSION DOCUMENT


등록일  2012.10.31

조회수  2100

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 the Bioethics Council
발행년 2005
키워드 이종이식,Xenotransplantation,이식,동물
관련링크 http://bprlib.kr/_attech/uploadFiles/patent/h6.pdf



The Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Aspects of Xenotransplantation: Animal-to-Human Transplantation:





Published in January 2005 by Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council
PO Box 10362, Wellington, New Zealand
ISBN: 0-478-18985-0
This document is available from the Bioethics Council website: www.bioethics.org.nz




Acknowledgements ... 5
Foreword ... 6
Join the Discussion ... 7
Introduction ... 10
Face-to-face dialogue ... 11

Xenotransplantation: Science, Safety and Effectiveness ... 14
1. What is Xenotransplantation? ... 14
The different types of xenotransplantation ... 14
The process of developing xenotransplantation ... 16
2. Why is Xenotransplantation Being Considered? ... 17
A victim of success ... 17
What are the possible alternatives? ... 18
3. How Well Does Xenotransplantation Work? ... 20
Animal external therapies ... 20
Animal cell therapies ... 20
Animal organ transplants ... 21
Which animals work best? ... 21
4. What are the Risks? ... 22
Cross-species infection ... 22
Informed consent ... 23
Public health risks ... 24

Xenotransplantation: Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Issues ... 26
Introduction ... 26
5. Spirituality, Culture and Human Need ... 27
Religious viewpoints ... 27
Nature ... 27
Identity ... 28
Xenotransplantation and human need ... 29
6. Maori and Xenotransplantation ... 30
Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council ANIMAL-TO-HUMAN TRANSPLANTATION
Contents continued
A range of Maori views ... 30
Questions ... 31
7. The Interests of Animals ... 32
Animals likely to be used in xenotransplantation ... 32
Genetic modification of animals ... 32
Animal welfare and ethics ... 33
Xenotransplantation involving genetic modification ... 33
8. Individual Rights, Public Risk? ... 35
The restrictions on xenograft recipients ... 35
Xenotourism ... 36
9. Decisions about Xenotransplantation in New Zealand ... 38
Glossary ... 40
Appendix: International Approaches to Xenotransplantation Regulation ... 42

PDF N1555_Xenotransplantation.pdf (1.12MB / 다운로드  0)