
Nuffield Council on Bioethics 1993-2002 Reports CD for the International Bioethics Exchange Project


등록일  2012.10.31

조회수  1573

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 Nuffield Council on Bioethics
발행년 1993-2002
키워드 Bioethics
관련링크 http://www.bprlib.kr/CORE/?moduleName=_c...ol_no=3161


Nuffield Council on Bioethics 1993-2002 Reports CD for the International Bioethics Exchange Project












Genetic Screening: ethical issues 1993

Human tissue: ethical and legal issues 1995

Animal-to-human transplants: the ethics of xenoplantation 1996

Mental disorders and genetics: the ethical context 1998

Genetically modified crops: the ethical and social issues 1999

The ethics of clinical research in developing countries 1999

Stem cell therapy: the ethical issues 2000

The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries 2002

The ethics of patenting DNA 2002

Genetics and human behaviour: the ethical context 2002

* The Reports and Discussion Papers on this CD can also be downloaded from the Council's website: www.nuffieldbioethics.org



Donor conception: ethical aspects of information sharing

Novel techniques for the prevention of mitochondrial DNA disorders: an ethical review

Solidarity: reflections on an emerging concept in bioethics

Human bodies: donation for medicine and research

Medical profiling and online medicine: the ethics of 'personalised healthcare' in a consumer age

Critical care decisions in fetal and neonatal medicine: ethical issues

The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries: a follow-up discussion paper

The ethics of patenting DNA: a discussion paper

Stem cell therapy: the ethical issues

Genetically modified crops: the ethical and social issues

Mental disorders and genetics: the ethical context

Animal-to-human transplants: the ethics of xenotransplantation

Human tissue: ethical and legal issues

Genetic screening: ethical issues
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