출처 : Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics 
방송일자 : 2015-05-27 
키워드 : bioethics, physician-assisted suicide, palliativecare, death 
관련링크 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur7sFsOn...e=youtu.be 

출처 :  Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics

ICYMI: ‪#‎Bioethics‬ 

Seminar Series: Michael Erdek - Palliative Care as an Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide

with Michael Erdek, MD, Johns Hopkins Associate Professor of Anesthesiology,

Critical Care Medicine and Oncology


List of Articles
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2 생명윤리 Introduction to Bioethics

출처 The Kennedy Institute of Ethics 


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20 죽음과 죽어감 Seminar Series: Palliative Care as an Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide

출처 Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics 

방송일자 2015-05-27 

키워드 bioethics, physician-assisted suicide, palliativecare, death 

  • 조회 수 223