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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2013 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 성인간호학회지 Vol.25 No.6 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A99892415 

간이식 여성의 임신과 출산 경험 = Experiences of Pregnancy and Childbirth in Women after Liver Transplantation

  • 제어번호 : 99892415
  • 저자명 : 하희선(Ha, Hea Seon) ,임경춘(Lim, Kyung-Choon) ,홍정자(Hong, Jung Ja) ,김인옥(Kim, In Ok) ,전미경(Jeon, Mi Kyeong) ,정재심(Jeong, Jae Sim) ,이순행(Lee, Soon Haeng) ,손행미(Son, Haeng Mi) ,이명선(Yi, Myungsun) ,이승규(Lee, Sung Gyu)
  • 학술지명 : 성인간호학회지(The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing)
  • 권호사항 : Vol.25 No.6 [2013]
  • 발행처 : 성인간호학회(The Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing)
  • 발행처 URL : http://www.ana.or.kr/
  • 자료유형 : 학술저널
  • 수록면 : 690-700(11쪽)
  • 언어 : Korean
  • 발행년도 : 2013년
  • KDC : 512
  • 등재정보 : KCI등재
  • 주제어 : Liver transplantation ,Pregnancy ,Parturition ,Life experience ,Qualitative research ,간이식 ,임신 ,출산 ,경험 ,질적 연구

초록 (Abstract)

Purpose: Liver transplantation (LT) is the best treatment for patients with end-stage liver disease and most patients with LT return to their normal life. However, pregnancy and childbirth for women with LT are less common, mainly because it is considered to be dangerous for their health. The purpose of this study was to describe how Korean women after LT experience their pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: This study was designed to explore the experiences of pregnancy and childbirth of women with LT. Data were collected by individual in-depth interviews with four women who were pregnant and gave birth following LT in 2009. All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The transcribed data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four themes emerged as a result of analysis: recovery of lost feminity and marriage; fulfilling roles through pregnancy; life-risking pregnancy; and perfect family achieved by childbirth. These themes describe in detail about challenges and concerns the women with LT faced for their pregnancy and childbirth as well as many emotionally touching experiences. Conclusion: The results of this study would support health professionals to be better prepared to help women with LT for pregnancy and childbirth by providing in-depth and insightful information.

목차 (Table of Contents)

  • 서론
  • 연구방법



    결론 및 제언


    List of Articles
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