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글 수 95
발행년 : 2016 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 법학연구 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A101954222 

형사사법정보의 이용,제공 실태 및 입법적 개선방안
= A Study on Current Status of USE or Provision of Criminal Justice Information and Legislative Improvement / 김기범

제어번호 101954222
저자명 김기범(Gi Bum Kim) 
학술지명 법학연구
권호사항 Vol.61 No.- [2016] 
발행처 한국법학회 
자료유형 학술저널
수록면 121-142(22쪽)
언어 Korean
발행년도 2016년
KDC 360
등재정보 KCI등재
판매처 교보문고 에서 제공하는 논문입니다.

Interest in leveraging personal information has substantially grown up along with the recent craze of big data. This growing interest undoubtedly affected the criminal justice system in terms of the use of personal information that the system possesses. It is ideal to take advantage of criminal justice information only in pursuit of criminal cases. It inevitably entails Constitutional right of ‘self-determination of privacy.’ On the other hand, however, there are argument about the necessity to utilize the information in order to solve national and social problem. In fact, the National Police Agency started using geographic profiling system for crime prevention purposes. Other diverse examples can be found such as a community safety service based on a crime map of the Ministry of Administration and Home Affairs as well as academic studies of universities and research institutes. Against this backdrop, it is highly required to start a legislative discussion whether to permit the use or provision other than intended purposes, and if permissible, the extent to which the use or provision is allowed. Therefore, this article suggests making clear the purpose of collecting criminal justice information to minimize controversy about use of the information within such purpose. It also claims that use or provision other than intended purpose shall be limited to crime prevention, statistics, and academic research on the premise that the information is rendered unrecognizable and anonymized. It ends with a legislative proposal for such utilization.

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 형사사법정보 개념 및 이용.제공 법제
Ⅲ. 형사사법정보 이용.제공 실태 및 허용성 판단
Ⅳ. 형사사법정보 이용.제공 범위 및 입법방향
Ⅴ. 결 론

형사사법정보  ,형사사법정보시스템  ,개인정보  ,개인정보자기결정권  ,빅데이터  ,criminal justice information  ,Korean Information System of Criminal Justice System  ,KICS  ,personal information  ,self determination of privacy  ,bigdata 

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