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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2016 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 법학연구 
관련링크 : http://한,중,일 3국의 학교폭력에 대한 비교 

한,중,일 3국의 학교폭력에 대한 비교
= Comparison of violence occurring within the school in Korea, China and Japan / 이현승

제어번호 101954223
저자명 이현승(Hyoun Seung Lee) 
학술지명 법학연구
권호사항 Vol.61 No.- [2016] 
발행처 한국법학회 
자료유형 학술저널
수록면 143-165(23쪽)
언어 Korean
발행년도 2016년
KDC 360
등재정보 KCI등재
판매처 교보문고

Violence occurring within the school is a common occurrence in the country in the process of community development. South Korea, China and Japan, there is violence that occurs within the school. South Korea, China, and Japan are also similarities of Confucian cultural common background. However, specifically, there are several differences. So while it is important to understand the characteristics of the culture and society of each country compared to the causes and symptoms of violence that occur within the school and reviewed. In this paper, South Korea, China, and looked at the theory and the actual situation of violence occurring in schools in Japan. There are differences and similarities about the theory and the actual situation of violence occurring in schools in different countries. But just because such similarities and differences not similarities and differences are apparent. The type of violence that occurs within the school that occur in each country are similar. For example, bullying occurring in Korea, China, and Japan is similar. It also occurs that most violence occurring in schools by students attending the same school as in any other country. Violence occurring within the school are similar in each country is also insistent in that way. And focus on specific student, teasing continues, alienation is similar in each country by the end insistent enough to make anything that has led to suicide. In addition, the viscosity of which the perpetrator of the violence that occurs within the school and the age of the victim is increasingly less similar in each country. It is violence that occurs in the increasing Cyber similar in each country. Thus, in this study, South Korea, China, and I try like to help in building a better measure by comparing the theoretical and actual situation of violence occurring in schools that occurred in Japan.

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 한.중.일 3국의 학교폭력에 대한 이해
Ⅲ. 한.중.일 3국의 학교폭력 현황 비교
Ⅳ. 맺는 말

학교  ,학교폭력  ,폭력  ,학생  ,청소년  ,School  ,Violence occurring within the school  ,Violence  ,Students  ,Youth 

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