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글 수 11
발행년 : 2015 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 인구의학연구논집 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A101669428 

착상 전 유전진단으로 획득된 비정상 배아를 이용한 유전질환 인간 배아줄기세포 수립 연구 동향
= Current Studies for Preimpalntation Genetic Diagnosis Derived Human Embryonic Stem Cells Carrying Mutations for Genetic Disorders

제어번호 101669428
저자명 설혜원 ( Hye Won Seol )  , 이지영 ( Ji Young Lee )  , 최영민 ( Young Min Choi )
학술지명 人口醫學硏究論集
권호사항 Vol.28 No.- [2015] 
발행처 서울대학교 인구의학연구소 
자료유형 학술저널
수록면 1-8(8쪽)
언어 Korean
발행년도 2015년
판매처 한국학술정보

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass (rCM) of blastocyst embryos. They are established from surplus embryos that have been obtained by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and donated for research purposes. The rCM-derived cell lines have two unique properties, they can be propagated indefinitely in culture and have the potential to develop into any cell type in vivo and in vitro. Human ESCs carrying specific mutations can be used as a powerful tool for studying genetic disorders in human. One preferable approach for obtaining these cell lines is their derivation from affected preimplanration genetic diagnosed (PGD) embryos. These unique cells are important for modeling human genetic disorders for which there are no suitable research models. They can be further used to gain new insights into developmentally regulated events that occur during human embryo development and that are responsible for the manifestation of genetically inherited disorders. In this review, we will introduce a current state of the studies for PGD-derived hESCs carrying mutation for genetic disorders that have great potential for the investigation of new therapeutic protocols, including gene-therapy-based treatments and disease-oriented drug screening and discovery.

PGD  , hESCs carrying mutations  , genetic disorders 

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