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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2015 
구분 : 학위논문 
학술지명 : 총신대학교 일반대학원 : 신학과 조직신학 (석사) 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T13660086 

배아줄기세포 연구와 기독교의 대응 : 베아줄기세포 연구의 위험성에 대하여
= The experiment of embryonic stem cell & the counteracting of the Reformed Church:about the experiment of embryonic stem cell

저자 윤재지 
형태사항 iii, 104 p. ; 26 cm
일반주기 지도교수: 이상원
학위논문사항 학위논문(석사)-- 총신대학교 일반대학원 : 신학과 조직신학 2015. 2
발행국 서울
언어 한국어
출판년 2015
소장기관 총신대학교 도서관

Abstract In this days, modern people want to gain eternal life in part through incurable disease treatment of every kind and human enhancement by means of embryonic stem cells and biotechnology. But we must prohibit it because it is wrong in pursuit of immoral and desires from the nature in original sin and which destroy human embryo., Hwang’s scandal that was broken out in 2004 year exposed a hidden disgrace and a fabrication experiment and false climate which has been pervaded in Korea society for a long time. All was responsible for the then government and biotechnology confederate that did not receive advice and warning which Korea Christian bioethics association asked for. It was even misgovernment of populism policy in such background. also Korean women and nation were lacking in bioethics about embryonic stem cells. I prepared my thesis to be a help to prevent from occurring the same fault and to grasp such a radical problem. In my thesis I tried to demonstrate that mutual agreement of people is very important in the experiment of embryonic stem cells and work. But If it violates against the bible, I tried to say even such a mutual agreement of people can be rejected. In this thesis I analyzed out trends to the inside and outside of Korea about embryonic stem cells and searched some response of the religious world(the Reformed church and Catholic church) after Hwang’s scandal The point of argument on my thesis is to enumerate cause for the occurrence of embryonic stem cell experiment and the problem, and to disclose a possibility of danger to inflict to modern and future humanity with embryonic stem cell experiment. I will argue that killing embryo to experiment is massacre to be under ban in the Bible and Christian church must find how to cope with. I would say that the influx of an immoral way to produce fetus by artificial making with embryonic stem cells and about returning possibility of the eugenics which committed horrible evildoing, if we do not prevent the experiment of killing embryonic stem cells By such a significance, I endeavor to access to conclusion in view of the Reformed theology and the Bible. Though to search all data of thesis and biology and genetics data to be difficult to understand were hard to me, Professor Lee Sang Won’s direction who had guided whole course about bioethics was to become much help. Though the chapter of conclusion on my thesis is short, but I attempted to lead conclusion which says in the Bible and the Reformed Theology, unfolding whole summary about the experiment of embryonic stem cells. I began to start my thesis like a grain of sand with belief. After this, I hope to be help and reference to somebody who will study with the same subject or theme. Such a result will save innumerable nameless embryos who are our lovely fellow creatures which can be God’s sons and daughters. I thank to Professor Heun Chang Hak who is a professor of old testament at HapDong Theological Seminary. Also thank to my senior minister Yang Shng Hwan. Thank to my elder sister Yun Heun Sook and all my family and friends. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Jesus Christ, my the Redeemer. Though My thesis is very scant, but I want my spiritual mind contained in this thesis is dedicated to my Lord. Yun Jae Ji.

I.서 론:배아줄기세포와 황우석 사태에 대한 분석 1
1.한국 여성들의 무책임한 난자 기증 가치관 2
2.정치적인 포퓰리즘과 선동된 배아줄기세포 Hub Dream 5
II.본 론:배아줄기세포연구와 기독교의 대응 11
1.배아줄기세포연구란 무엇인가? 11
가.배아줄기세포의 발견과 개요 11
나.배아의 기본개념 13
다.줄기세포의 갈래와 배아줄기세포 연구방식 14
2.세계와 국내의 배아줄기세포 동향 19
가.배아줄기세포 연구과정과 정치,사회적 동향 19
나.세계의 배아줄기세포연구 동향 23
다.국 내 배아줄기세포연구 동향 27
3.배아줄기세포연구에 대한 종교계의 반응 31
가.배아줄기세포 연구에 대한 기독교의 반응 31
나.배아줄기세포 연구에 대한 가톨릭의 반응 35
4.배아줄기세포 추출의 윤리적인 문제점들 40
가.연구과정 절차상의 문제점과 관련 법률 40
나.배아줄기세포 추출의 문제점 47
다.배아줄기세포와 '키메라'의 위험성 52
5.신학적인 입장에서 바라본 배아줄기의 문제점 55
가.배아의 생명관에 관한 논쟁들 55
나.개혁주의 신학의 배아의 생명관에 관한 성경적 정립 69
6.배아줄기세포연구로 파생될 수 있는 위험성 74
가.인간강화의 욕망과 근본적인 가족제도의 변형과 붕괴 74
나.우생학의 위험성과 미래사회의 경고 79
III.결 론 91
1.논문의 전반적인 요약 91
2.논문과 관련된 최근 동향과 향후 제언 94 

영문요약(Abstract) 97
IV.참 고 문 헌 99


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