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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2016 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 신학연구 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A101992260 
AI(인공지능)에 대한 신학적 담론의 형성 및 방향 모색
= Forming and Indicating a Christian Theological Discourse on AI


  • 저자명

    김동환(Dong-Hwan Kim)                                             

  • 학술지명


  • 권호사항

    Vol.68 No.- [2016]                                                          

  • 발행처

    한신대학교 한신신학연구소                                  

  • 자료유형


  • 수록면


  • 언어


  • 발행년도


초록 (Abstract)

  • This article begins with a big concern for AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol or the Google DeepMind Challenge Match held in March, 2016, which became one of the salient events of the century. Especially witnessing the surprising result of that match, it first ...
  • This article begins with a big concern for AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol or the Google DeepMind Challenge Match held in March, 2016, which became one of the salient events of the century. Especially witnessing the surprising result of that match, it first traces how cutting-edge modern technologies producing such an AI have been planned and developed, and looks into AI projects that are the sum of these technologies. The prime goal of AI projects discovered in this research is to be human-like; the next is to be transhuman, that is, to surpass human intelligence; the last is to be God-like. On top of seeing and foreseeing that these goals are being achieved in AI project, it recognizes that a worldwide metadiscourse regarding the AI project has formed, which is not only directly urged by scientists, but also indirectly upheld by philosophical futurists such as transhumanists. This recognition leads it to the necessity of forming a Christian theological discourse within that metadiscourse. The comparison between the image of God and the image of human, a theological vindication of creatureliness against the plot of technological re-creation, and a Christian thought of death—and—salvation different from the technological immortality, which are explored in this article, can be regarded as some sample attempts to form a Christian theological discourse. In so doing, this article asserts that this kind of Christian theological reflection upon the AI project must be continually pursued, and finally makes three suggestions for the future direction of Christian theological discourse on this subject.

  • 목차 (Table of Contents)
    • I. 들어가는 말
    • II. AI(인공지능) 프로젝트
    • III. 인간처럼(Human-like)
    • IV. 인간을 넘어서(Transhuman)
    • V. 하나님처럼(God-like)
    • VI. 나오는 말
    • 참고문헌
    • Abstract
  • List of Articles
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