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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2013 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 의생명과 법 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A100317346 
배아의 윤리
 :  인격 대 생명'의 논쟁을 중심으로 = Ethics of Embryo: Debate between Person and Life in the embryonic Problems


  • 저자명

    이을상(Lee Eul Sang)                                               

  • 학술지명

    의생명과 법               

  • 권호사항

    Vol.9 No.- [2013]                                            

  • 발행처

    원광대학교 법학연구소                                   

  • 자료유형


  • 수록면


  • 언어


  • 발행년도


  • 초록 (Abstract)
    • This thesis is a study on an embryo has the condition of being human or not. Someone has to be regarded as human being, he/she has a right of living, which is derived from the being a person in the moral sense. We have naturally thought an embryo is h...
  • This thesis is a study on an embryo has the condition of being human or not. Someone has to be regarded as human being, he/she has a right of living, which is derived from the being a person in the moral sense. We have naturally thought an embryo is human, but today it becomes problematic whether an embryo is a human being or not. This argument has been raised by a rapid developing of biotechnology such as prenatal genetic screening, embryonic reproduction etc. In the biotechnology an embryo is surely not regarded as a human being, but only a living material. It can cause a deep moral injure to think an embryo is not a human being. For human being is a person in the moral sense, and a person has been only thought that can make us live freely. At last we have human dignity, when we live as a person. But the thought that an embryo is not a human being has brought about the possibility of 'a human being without person', which is conceived by P. Singer in his Practical Ethics(1991). Further more Singer criticizes a Kant's view of human dignity as a 'speciesm' in the basis of a concept of a human being without person. In this paper I have examined a historical origin of Singer's concepts, a human being without person firstly and a speciesm especially in comparison with Kant's view of human dignity nextly. I have also examined that Kant's concept of autonomy has to be substituted by 'self-disposability' in Singer's bioethical viewpoint, but Singer's viewpoint is also criticised by Sandel's 'ethics of genetic enhancement' lastly.

  • 목차 (Table of Contents)

    Ⅰ. 머리말

    Ⅱ. '인격 없는 인간'의 출현

    Ⅲ. 인격과 인간존엄의 법식

    Ⅳ. 인간존엄 대 종차별주의

    Ⅴ. 생명의 신성불가침 대 처분 가능성

    Ⅵ. 맺는말


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