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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2009 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 과학기술법연구 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A99704683 
장기기증 의사표시에 대한 민사적 제문제
= Civil Issues on the Declaration of Intention of Internal Organs Donation


  • 저자명

    윤부찬 ( Bu Chan Yoon )                                                         

  • 학술지명


  • 권호사항

    Vol.15 No.1 [2009]                                                         

  • 발행처

    한남대학교 과학기술법연구소                                 

  • 자료유형


  • 수록면


  • 언어


  • 발행년도


  • KDC


  • 등재정보


  • KCI 피인용횟수


초록 (Abstract)

  • In 1999, Internal Organs, etc. Transplant Act was established in Korea. According to the Act, it is possible to take internal organs from the alive, the dead, and the brain-dead. However, the Act has the critical points at civil issues as mentioned be...
  • In 1999, Internal Organs, etc. Transplant Act was established in Korea. According to the Act, it is possible to take internal organs from the alive, the dead, and the brain-dead. However, the Act has the critical points at civil issues as mentioned below. To begin with, it should be scrutinized regarding minors in civil law. Article 8 of the Act stipulates a minor older than 16 may declare one`s intention to donate internal organs independently, only the case of enucleation the consent shall be obtained from the legal representative. However, letting minor`s declaration of intention be valid without any legal consent infringes the protective ideology of minors. Thus, the Act must be amended as the consent of minor`s legal representative is mandatory for a minor to donate internal organs. The second, the Act does not regard the brain-dead as the dead, in spite of this, regarding the donation of internal organs they are treated as the very same. After one`s death, one`s body comes under the jurisdiction of the bereaved family, then a member of the bereaved family may donate internal organs of the dead person. Even though the Act does not accept the brain-dead as the dead, the family do not meet the hurdle to donate internal organs of the brain-dead person, and the family can declare the intention to refuse the enucleation against the brain-dead person`s advance intention to donation of internal organs. These attitudes of the Act mentioned foregoing should be reexamined because these are not reasonable especially when we think about the civil law system.
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