
[동향] An evaluation of WFP’s L3 Response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) crisis in West Africa (2014– 2015)


등록일  2017.03.27

조회수  87

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 WFP : The Konterra Group
발행년 2017
키워드 ebola, 에볼라
관련링크 http://policy.nl.go.kr/search/searchDeta...7&kwd=


An Evaluation of WFP's Response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) crisis in West Africa

발행처 : WFP : The Konterra Group

정부부처 (BRM) : 농림 - 농업·농촌 , 보건 - 보건의료


The evaluation of WFP’s response to the Ebola Virus Disease crisis in West Africa assessed three key inquiry areas: partnerships and coordination; learning, adaptation and innovation; and, performance and results of 3 country-specific Immediate Response Emergency Operations, a regional EMOP (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) and 3 regional Special Operations implemented in 2014-2015, which represented USD 442 million in requirements and reached some 5 million beneficiaries in total.

WFP demonstrated flexibility, diversity and agility in responding to this complex health crisis, engaging in new non-traditional partnerships in the health, private, logistics and communications sectors. The evaluation concluded that WFP’s two-pronged response of food assistance and common service support, was appropriate and relevant, efficiently scaling-up amidst rapidly evolving needs. WFP successfully filled a logistics capacity gap of the humanitarian community, and its food assistance contributed to the containment efforts.

The evaluation makes 5 recommendations geared to: improve performance by strengthening internal policies, guidelines and systems in emergency preparedness and response, human resources, and monitoring; capture and promote WFP’s best practices; sustain engagement in global supply chain initiatives; adopt a comprehensive and collaborative approach to national stakeholders’ health crisis response capacity strengthening; and reinforce accountability to beneficiaries.


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