생명윤리정책연구센터 자료

Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.6 No.1~2


등록일  2014.02.07

조회수  1773

ISSN : 1976-3727

* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.6 No.1 (June 2012)





Korean Regulations of Clinical Trials and Research  with Human Subjects / Soo Hun Park


Regulation of Stem Cell Transplantation : An Introduction to a Korean Court Decision / Won Kyung Chang, hyun A Bae


Theological Review on Life Support Treatment / Inhoe Ku


Korean Regulation of Stem Cell and Human Genetic Research / Kyungsuk Choi



* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.6 No.2 (Decemger 2012)


Philosophical Questions Concerning the Meaning of Life and Death / Inhoe Ku


Proxy Decision Making in Suicidal Patients

/ Claire Junga Kim, Yoon Hee Choi, Hyun A Bae


On Akrasia in Decision Makin g : Socrates' Hedonism in Protagoras / Sunwoo Cho


Aktuelle Entwicklungen des deutschen and europaischen Gesundheitsund Medizinrechts/ Eike Sven Fischer