군내 신원확인용 인체유래물 보관사업 현황 및 개선방안
= The Present State of Biobank Prepared for Identification Confirmation in Republic of Korea Armed Forces and Amended Measures
저자[authors] 김선
발행사항 대구 : 경북대학교 수사과학대학원, 2017
형태사항[Description] ii, 38 p. ; 26 cm
일반주기명[Note] 지도교수: 이상한
학위논문사항[Dissertation] 학위논문(석사)-- 경북대학교 수사과학대학원 : 수사과학대학원 2017. 8
발행국(발행지)[Country] 대구
출판년[Publication Year] 2017
주제어 군,신원확인,인체,보관
소장기관[Holding] 경북대학교 중앙도서관 (222001)
After confirming the identification of the Korean serviceperson who had deployed overseas for United Nations peacekeeping operations(UN PKO) in 2008, Ministry of National Defense(MND) standed in need of identification confirmation formalities. Biobank which aims to prepare for identification confirmation of deployed troops began in 2009. MND explored ways toward efficient biobank management. First, MND bought Flinders Technology Associates card(FTA card)s, suitable for molecular identification without the risk of disease contamination, in bulk at lower prices. Second, MND made mutual agreement which aims at campaigning for blood donation and performing identification confirmation of servicemembers’ remains effectively with Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) and the Korea National Red Cross(KNRC). If servicemembers have donated blood last 5 years, their DNA don’t have to be collected, by this agreement. In spite of marked improvements by trial and error, there are some points at issue. First, it is necessary that a system is able to find out blood donation records and collected human derived materials record all at once. It can prevent collecting repeatedly, help to have a clear grasp of the eligible subjects, and be helpful for making a budget. Second, biobank prepared for identification confirmation need to include passengers on board a military sky truck. With permission civilians can get into an military airliner. Third, systemed storage is mandatory. When the human derived materials are needed for comparison with assumed died on duty, Killed In Action(KIA) or Missing In Action(MIA), specimens should be ready for searchable rapidly and easily. And they ought to be sorted into professional soldiers’ and enlisted men’s so that a person in charge can conduct business affairs easier. Moreover it is important that DNA within specimens remain without damage until they are tested.