의식에 대한 신경철학적 논란과 교육인식론의 과제
= Neurophilosophical Controversies over Consciousness and Epistemological Challenges for Education
저자[authors] 한일조
학술지명[periodical name] 교육철학
권호사항[Volume/Issue] Vol.0No.70[2019]
발행처[publisher] 한국교육철학회
자료유형[Document Type] 학술저널
수록면[Pagination] 101-130
언어[language] Korean
발행년[Publication Year] 2019
다국어 초록[Multilingual Abstract]
Recently, there have been some neurophilosophical controversies over consciousness, with the booming interest in neuroscientific studies on consciousness. This study intends to do three things. First, it tries to depict the overall efforts in the direction of neurophilosophical inquiry as a realization of Quine’s ask for a ‘naturalized epistemology.’ Second, it analyses the issues of eliminative materialism, identity theory vs functionalism debate, and ‘qualia’ problem as main neurophilosophical controversies over consciousness. And finally, as was required, it suggests a few tasks for educators to meet in regard with knowledge policies over schooling.