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글 수 4,668
발행년 : 2016 
구분 : 국내학술지 
학술지명 : 의학교육논단(Korean medical education review) 
관련링크 : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A102310236 
인공지능 왓슨 기술과 보건의료의 적용


  • 저자명

    이강윤, 김준혁

  • 학술지명

    의학교육논단(Korean medical education review)               

  • 권호사항

    Vol.18 No.2 [2016]                                                         

  • 발행처

    연세대학교 의과대학 의학교육학과(Department of Medical Education Yonsei University College of Medicine)

  • 자료유형


  • 수록면


  • 언어


  • 발행년도


  • 초록 (Abstract)
    • This literature review explores artificial intelligence (AI) technology trends and IBM Watson health and medical references. This study explains how healthcare will be changed by the evolution of AI technology, and also summarizes key technologies in ...
  • This literature review explores artificial intelligence (AI) technology trends and IBM Watson health and medical references. This study explains how healthcare will be changed by the evolution of AI technology, and also summarizes key technologies in AI, specifically the technology of IBM Watson. We look at this issue from the perspective of 'information overload,' in that medical literature doubles every three years, with approximately 700,000 new scientific articles being published every year, in addition to the explosion of patient data. Estimates are also forecasting a shortage of oncologists, with the demand expected to grow by 42%. Due to this projected shortage, physicians won't likely be able to explore the best treatment options for patients in clinical trials. This issue can be addressed by the AI Watson motivation to solve healthcare industry issues. In addition, the Watson Oncology solution is reviewed from the end user interface point of view. This study also investigates global company platform business to explain how AI and machine learning technology are expanding in the market with use cases. It emphasizes ecosystem partner business models that can support startup and venture businesses including healthcare models. Finally, we identify a need for healthcare company partnerships to be reviewed from the aspect of solution transformation. AI and Watson will change a lot in the healthcare business. This study addresses what we need to prepare for AI, Cognitive Era those are understanding of AI innovation, Cloud Platform business, the importance of data sets, and needs for further enhancement in our knowledge base.
List of Articles
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