
Government Response to the Report from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee : Human Reproductive Tehchnologies and the Law


등록일  2012.10.16

조회수  3522

정보 안내 표
발행년 2005
키워드 human,law, health
관련링크 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/sy...4/6641.pdf

Government Response to the Report from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

 : Human Reproductive Tehchnologies and the Law


[HM Government]


Presented to Parliament by
the Secretary of State for Health
by Command of Her Majesty
August 2005


원문 보기 : https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/272164/6641.pdf





Foreword ...4
Status of the embryo (1, 2, 98) ...5
Precautionary principle (3) ...6
Embryo research (4, 59, 83, 100(g), 104) ...7
Definition of embryo (5, 6, 7, 99) ...8
Placing a human embryo in an animal (8) ...9
Chimeras and hybrids (9) ...10
Reproductive cloning (10, 11) ...10
Embryo splitting (12) ...12
Parthenogenesis (13) ...12
Research on mitochondrial diseases (14) ...12
Genetic modification (15, 16) ...13
GIFT and IUI (17) ...14
Internet services (18, 19) ...14
Artificial gametes (20) ...15
Welfare of the child (21, 22, 23, 24) ...15
Eugenics (25) ...17
Sex selection by abortion (26) ...17
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and tissue typing (27, 28, 60, 61) ...18
Sex selection (29, 30) ...18
Donors (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38) ...19
Counselling (39) ...23
Licensing for clinical trials and training (40, 41) ...23
Stem cell research (42) ...24
Penalties (43) ...24
Person responsible (44) ...25
Encouraging good practice (45, 46) ...25
Expertise of HFEA members (47, 48) ...26
HFEA and policy making (49, 50, 51, 52) ...27
Code of Practice and the Internet (53) ...28
HFEA Inspections (54, 56) ...29
EU Tissue Directive (55, 90) ...29
HFEA openness (57, 58) ...30
Research input to HFEA (62, 63, 69) ...30
Confidentiality provisions and data for research (64, 65, 92) ...31
Risk assessment of assisted reproduction procedures (67, 68, 70) ...32
HFEA’s data register (66, 74) ...33
HFEA’s role as regulator (71, 72) ...33
Value of services offered by clinics (73) ...34
International standing of UK assisted reproduction services (75, 96) ...34 Professional bodies and standards (76, 89, 101) ...35
Abortion legislation (77, 78) ...36
Surrogacy (79) ...36
Introducing new legislation (80, 81) ...37
Parliament’s role (82, 87, 102) ...37
Clinical Ethics Committees (84) ...38
Human Genetics, Fertility and Tissue Commission (85, 86, 88, 103) ...38
New regulatory authority (91, 97, 100) ...40
International standards (93, 94, 95) ...41



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