
Review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act


등록일  2012.10.26

조회수  1082

정보 안내 표
발행년 2005
키워드 HFEA,인간수정배아관리국
관련링크 http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.u...DH_4123863

Review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act


A Public Consultation Department of Health 2005


N1520_Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act_퍼블릭컨설트(영국보건성).pdf






Launch date:  16 August 2005

Closing date:  25 November 2005

Creator/s:  Department of Health

Audience:  Health and social care professionals

Copyright holder: Crown

Product number: ISBN 0101662424

  • Gateway number:5207



    1. Introduction and how to respond ...5
    2.The model and scope of regulation ...11
    3.Welfare of the child ...22
    4.The use and storage of gametes and embryos ...29
    5.Reproductive choices: screening and selection ...38
    6.Information and the HFEA Register ...46
    7.Surrogacy ...54
    8.Status and legal parenthood ...58
    9.Research ...63
    10.The Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos ...72
    Regulatory Impact Assessment ...76
    Annex A – Outline of the HFE Act 1990 and list of subsequent legislation ...80
    Annex B – Questions and proposals for consultation ...83