
Increasing Public Involvement in Debates on Ethical Questions of Xenotransplantation


등록일  2012.10.29

조회수  1677

정보 안내 표
주관연구기관 Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS),
발행년 2004
키워드 Xenotransplantation
관련링크 http://www.ihs.ac.at/departments/soc/xeno-pta/final.pdf


Increasing Public Involvement in Debates on Ethical Questions of Xenotransplantation



Projektbericht/Research Report

Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS),



N1544_Increasing Public Involvement in Debates on Ethical Questions of Xenotransplantation_2004유럽의견final.pdf





Foreword vii
0 Executive Summary 1
0.1 Objectives ... 1
0.2 State of the art in Xenotransplantation ... 1
0.3 Xenotransplantation debates in Austria, Germany and Spain ... 3
0.4 Neo-Socratic Dialogue ... 5
0.5 Participants ... 6
0.6 Process ... 7
0.7 Assessment ... 8
0.8 Conclusions ... 11

1 Objectives 14
1.1 The ethics of xenotransplantation as a decision-making problem ... 14
1.2 Goals ... 15
1.3 Research design ... 16

2 State of the art 19
2.1 Definition and promises of xenotransplantation ... 19
2.2 State of the art ... 20
2.3 Ethical questions of xenotransplantation ... 22

3 Comparison of Xenotransplantation Debates 24
3.1 Goals ... 24
3.2 Methods ... 24
3.3 Organ transplantation and organ donations by human donors ... 27
3.4 Xenotransplantation Research in Medicine and the Natural Sciences ... 28
3.5 Industry ... 30
3.6 Parliament and government ... 31
3.7 Advisory Bodies and Position Papers ... 32
3.8 Research on ethical, legal and social aspects of xenotransplantation ... 34
3.9 Patients ... 35
3.10 NGOs ... 36
3.11 Media ... 37
3.12 Public Attitude ... 40
3.13 Configuration of xenotransplantation debate in Austria, Germany & Spain ... 45
3.14 Summary ... 47

4 Neo-Socratic Dialogues on the ethics of xenotransplantation 49
4.1 Description of the Neo-Socratic Dialogue method ... 49
4.2 Organisation of the Dialogues ... 53
4.3 Evaluation methods ... 54
4.4 Participants ... 54

5 The dialogue process 65
5.1 Comparative description of the dialogues ... 65
5.2 Assessment of the moderation ... 71
5.3 Participant’ assessment of the group ... 74
5.4 Problems arising during the dialogues ... 76

6 Assessment 81
6.1 General assessment ... 81
6.2 Which experiences did the participants have? ... 102
6.3 Changes in attitude ...111

7 Conclusions 118
7.1 Raising awareness for the ethics of xenotransplantation ...118
7.2 To discuss the ethics of xenotransplantation ... 120
7.3 Clarification of various actors’ responsibilities regarding the ethics of xenotransplantation ... 121
7.4 To inform decision makers about the ethical basis and consequences of xenotransplantation ... 122
7.5 Consensual policy options regarding ethical problems of xenotransplantation ... 123
7.6 Improvement of communication patterns and capability of coping with ethical questions arising
from modern science and technology ... 123
7.7 Final conclusions ... 124

8 Appendix 127
8.1 Dissemination activities ... 127
8.2 Interview partners in Austria ... 130
8.3 Interview partners in Spain ... 131
8.4 Literature ... 132
8.5 Survey Quality of Life (European Commission: 2001) ... 139