
The Hastings Center guidelines for decisions on life-sustaining treatment and care near the end of life

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The Hastings Center guidelines for decisions on life-sustaining treatment and care near the end of life: Kindle Edition


(Author),  Nancy Berlinger; Bruce Jennings; Susan M Wolf; Hastings Center.


This groundbreaking work incorporates 25 years of research and innovation in clinical care, law, and policy. It is written for physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals and is structured for easy reference in difficult clinical situations. It supports the work of clinical ethicists, ethics committee members, health lawyers, clinical educators, scholars, and policymakers. It includes extensive practical recommendations. Health care reform places a new set of challenges on decision-making and care near the end of life. The Hastings Center Guidelines are an essential resource.



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Guidelines for decisions on life-sustaining treatment and care near the end of life
Guidelines on the termination of life-sustaining treatment and the care of the dying.


Terminal care -- Decision making -- Moral and ethical aspects.

Life support systems (Critical care) -- Moral and ethical aspects.

Medical ethics.

Decision Making.

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