Clinical Guidelines for Genetic Screening Tests for Newborns
"본 임상 가이드라인은 보건복지부 주관 「신생아 유전자검사 지침 마련을 위한 연구」(연구책임자 : 김명희, 수행기관 : 국가생명윤리정책원)의 결과로 제작된 것입니다."
This clinical guideline was produced as a result of the “Research to Establish Guidelines for Newborn Genetic Testing” sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Principal investigator: Myunghee Kim, Implementing agency: Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy).
Table of Contents
1. Summary
2. Overview
3. Genetic Tests in Accordance with the Bioethics Act
4. Medically Allowed Screening Tests for Newborns
5. Core Questions and Answers
6. References
- 첨부파일
- PDF Clinical Guidelines for Genetic Screening Tests for Newborns.pdf (731.5KB / 다운로드 183)